Banking content that connects

Animations, Copywriting, Data, Design, Infographics, PR, Scriptwriting, SEO, Video


HSBC are all about seeing beyond borders – a bank with a mission to reach new audiences and educate the financially vulnerable. That’s why they turned to Sticky for help creating content that connects with people – after all, banking isn’t always transactional. 

Their digital teams asked us to: 

  • Boost their SEO ranking 
  • Educate customers 
  • Get bloggers to share their infographics 


Outreach content needs to do more than answer the questions your customers are typing into Google. People have to be able to find and want to read it. It has to answer questions in an interesting and authentic way, that’s so compelling it doesn’t matter if it’s been produced by a brand. 

We looked at the behaviour behind banking to create stories that explore how HSBC’s products and services intersect with people’s lives. Out went evergreen explainer videos and in came narratives with a topical twist – data-led stories that resonate with audiences through their different life stages. 

And how did we find the data? By writing and launching original surveys that produced insights HSBC could call their own. We established a new animation style and brought the numbers and narrative together to make unique content that bloggers snapped up to share. 


traffic increase from optimised articles
organic traffic up across all 8 category areas
outlets covering a student finance PR story

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