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Oxford comma?

Oxford comma?

If you’re a writer (or just a massive grammar nerd) you’ll have heard of the Oxford comma. In fact, you’ll probably have quite a strong opinion on its existence. How do you feel about an Oxford comma?

The right way to eat chips

The right way to eat chips

The launch of Heinz’ Every Sauce led to a pretty spirited debate in the office, and not about the use of the word ‘obsauced’. Turns out Team Sticky is pretty divided about how we top our chips. Settle the argument for us, are you alllll about the dips or is plain your preference?

Rightmove’s ‘Believe It’ campaign

Rightmove’s ‘Believe It’ campaign

If you’ve been in a train station recently you may have spotted Rightmove’s ‘Believe It’ campaign, which inspires homebuyers to manifest their perfect space. But in today’s tough housing market, do we think this tactic will resonate with or put off potential buyers? We’re divided. What do you think?

Sushi or sandwiches?

Sushi or sandwiches?

A light-hearted but important topic this month (can you tell we’re writing this just before lunch!). Tesco recently reported that sushi has overtaken the humble sandwich as Brits’ top lunchtime pick. But will you be tucking into salmon rolls and sashimi or sticking with a traditional ham and cheese butty?

The merits of digital detoxing

The merits of digital detoxing

Does the thought of logging off socials send shivers down your spine? Or do you diligently detox regularly? Latest research from Durham Uni suggests going on social media hiatus may not give us the mood boost we’re looking for, and that actually it’s all about moderation. What’s your view on digital detoxing?

How do you think consumers view behavioural science in marketing?

How do you think consumers view behavioural science in marketing?

We’re huge fans of using behavioural science in marketing, but like all powerful tools it needs to be wielded wisely. Are some brands at risk of alienating rather than influencing audiences?

Are you ready to say goodbye to seasonal marketing?

Are you ready to say goodbye to seasonal marketing?

Will you be getting out the love hearts for Valentine’s Day or is seasonal marketing just a bit well… naff? Pressure on finances, changing priorities for Gen Z and drives towards greater personalisation across marketing efforts are all affecting the role of seasonal triggers, but are we ready to say goodbye to them completely?

Which Christmas ad do you prefer?

Which Christmas ad do you prefer?

Could it be anything else at this time of year? But are you Team John Lewis or Team M&S? Or, controversially, do you think Christmas ads should be a thing of the past?

Will anyone still be rocking Crocs in 2024?

Will anyone still be rocking Crocs in 2024?

From Shrek-inspired shoes to catwalk-ready creations by Simone Rocha and a collab with Levis, it’s no secret that Crocs are having a real marketing moment. But how do we really feel about the Marmite of the fashion world and will anyone still be rocking them in 2024?