Sticky Staff Spotlight: Nick Bain

Meet Nick Bain, Senior Strategist at Sticky…

We sat down with Nick to talk about his role at Sticky and all things curiosity. From what makes our strategist specialist get up in the morning to our unique approach to understanding audiences by their curiosity types, we covered it all in an in-depth chat at our Paddington office…

Strategy is key to everything we do at Sticky, our campaigns are based on solid data, behavioural insights and what drives people’s curiosity.

What do you do at Sticky in one sentence?

As Senior Strategist I work across all our clients to develop stories they can tell to help them reach their business goals – it’s all underpinned by Curiosity, our unique way of engaging and inspiring audiences and consumers.

What gets you out of bed in the morning?

I’m naturally very curious, so give me a problem that needs solving now, and in a unique way. That can be a question that’s never been asked before, or a new way to story tell within tight regulatory controls.

What’s your background and experience?

I’ve been in marketing and social media for over 12 years. Telling brand stories for everyone from Guinness Six Nations, luxury hotel chains, alcohol brands as far ranging as Tanqueray No. Ten and White Claw, retail estates, airlines, the UN, sustainable tech brands, insurance companies and more.

What is your proudest moment in your career so far?

Between discovering the ‘best night out in the world’ to DNA testing a whole village to discover their heritage, taking out a nearly blank full-page advert in national papers to highlight the lack of media coverage for women’s sport, and many more, it’s hard to pick just one highlight.

What is a typical week for you at Sticky?

Most of my time is spent supporting our clients to build their brand stories and develop areas they can contribute meaningfully to a conversation. Outside of that, I’ll be researching what is happening in the world around us and how that impacts us as consumers. I’ll also be working on Curiosity, our unique way of segmenting audiences around what makes them interested in the world.

What type of projects do you work on?

I’m heavily involved in the majority of new business pitches we do, and at the start of most client relationships to establish the direction and reasoning behind our campaigns. I’m also in regular contact with a number of clients to deliver insights and updates derived from key industry and market trends.

Most of my time is spent supporting our clients to build their brand stories and develop areas they can contribute meaningfully to a conversation.

What role do you see your department playing in the future of Sticky?

Strategy is key to everything we do at Sticky. Our campaigns are based on solid data, behavioural insights and what drives people’s curiosity. It’s at the heart of what we do, and I see this growing and continuing to support and inspire the incredible creative work the Editorial and Creative teams produce. It’s really exciting to see how these teams bring our strategy and insights to life.

How can someone come to you for help?

Most of the teams come to myself or my team for a launch moment in the creative process to ensure our work meets the client’s business ambitions and is relevant and exciting for the audience we want to speak to.

For anyone outside of Sticky, the easiest way to reach me is by email ( I’m always curious to hear how we can help with a business challenge or campaign.

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