How to make the metaverse part of your brand landscape

The rise of the Metaverse, or web 3.0, has been the most talked-about phenomenon in tech and marketing since Facebook went Meta.

At Sticky, we’re all about making connections between things that are not obviously linked. So how can everyday brands start to think about using the Metaverse to their advantage in a noisy, crowded digital marketing space?

Think collectible

People like to collect stuff. Nike shoes are already hugely collectable in physical form, so why shouldn’t the same effect happen virtually? As part of a recent collaboration, Nike’s studio published 600 pairs of digital shoes and sold them in six minutes for over $3m. 

But don’t be fooled into thinking this is merely the preserve of the super brand. There are now dozens of platforms acting as purely digital marketplaces, offering everything you can possibly imagine – just look at OpenSea. Key to your success is to tie what you do back to something which people will recognise, whether it’s a cultural phenomenon or just topical news.  

Go virtual

Let’s face it, the real world can get pretty tiresome at times. The good news is there’s tons of other worlds awaiting your attention. Tangible examples can be seen everywhere, like in the recently announced Spotify Island presence in Roblox – where children building worlds can visit the music platform’s virtual environment together, enjoy one another’s music, meet artists and enjoy their performances. 

People spend weeks of every year in virtual worlds like Roblox or Fortnite (140m active players between them) and are constantly looking for things to do beyond just being there.

Expand your online experience

We’re spending more time online than ever before and let’s be honest, it can be tough to maintain interest. The Metaverse, though, can extend beyond life itself. As Matthew Kershaw from D-ID explains: “Our partnership with MyHeritage brought to life family members who had passed away, by using photos and animating them using their Deep Nostalgia service. It created a real emotional connection with people who are no longer with us.” 

Why not consider virtual assistants who are truly engaging, or entertain customers in new ways which delight them beyond anything they’re expecting? Being effective online doesn’t mean fun and surprise have to go out of the window. 

Rethink the office

The accelerated rate of tech adoption seen during lockdown has not slowed, even if we are (sort of) back to normal life. The beta launch of Horizon Workrooms by Meta is a VR-based environment for making your work life more engaging and frankly more attractive. 

Your dull spare room at home could suddenly become a penthouse in Miami (or the moon?) with avatars of your colleagues and every work application at your virtual fingertips. How could these types of innovation play out within your current set-up?

Get ahead of the game

For most, the Metaverse as it is implies possibility, rather than certainty. But now’s the time for brands to start taking stock of the opportunities it teases. Remember, always explore a virtual option in your campaign. Whether it’s a product as an NFT (non-fungible token), or an activation as a virtual event, it’s already possible. Next, make it collectable. Use scarcity to gain followers and interest – they’re out there in droves. And engage with existing communities. If you want to attract attention in say, Fortnite, make sure you make the most of its environment. 

Most importantly, remember it’s test and learn. Not everything will go right first time. But just by trying, you’ll uncover more than most.

This article was written by Christian Harris, Managing Director at Sticky, a full-service strategic, creative agency.

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